(there's a hint in the entry)
SO I am at work right now, and i think it is an opportune time to update. It sure beats watching the UCR mascot do the "Crank Dat" dance. I swear, if I see another person do that horrid dance, I will punch him/her in the tooth. Hm. let's see, where to begin. Over winter break, the fam and I went to London and Paris, which was most awesome. As you can see here
This is our "Awesome-Face" (I would not click on this picture if I were you, but you're going to do it anyway..aren't ya? Don't say I warned you...idiot..)
You hear people talking about it and you see pictures and film of London and Paris, and you don't think much of it, but once you get there. Oh man, it'll blow your freakin noodle. Definitely, a site to see before you die:
What else happened...hmm..almost got thrown off a speeding horse, ripped my favorite jeans and then shaved a patch of hair from my leg that the hole reveals, (my efforts proved fruitless, for the hole is getting bigger and my hair is growing back with the vengeance), and convinced my mom to name her new blue beta fish "B.J." : )
Last but not least, "Things You Didn't Know About Me, and Wish Eric Would Shove This List Up His Ass Because That's Where Bull-Poop Belongs.....List.."
1. I keep my lips pursed about 75% of the time to hide my fatty lips. They're like a set of icebergs. Only 10% of it is viewable from the surface, while the other 90% is hidden under the ocean. Except for me, the ratio is not that skewed. It's more like....20-80.
2. I am psyched to watch FOX's new reality game show, "Moment of Truth," where contestants have to answer a series of questions, and to move on in the game, you just have to tell the truth, except as you go on, the questions get tougher to answer, especially on national television. My favorite question from the commercials is "Are you repulsed by fat people?" and then it cuts to the contestant bug-eyed with fear, and turns his gaze to some heavy-set audience members.
3. I'm a big smell person. (Now I know for a fact, that some of you read it as "I'm a big smelly person." I am that too, but anyways..) Smell. Everytime I open a bag, a bottle, a box, a jar, of something, anything, it doesn't even have to be food, I literally nose-dive into it and inhale. If you ever see me at a desk or sitting down in a chair, it appears that I am merely resting my head in my hand because my neck is getting tired, but actually, I am actually smelling it(my hand). The only reason why I wash my hands, is not to kill the bacteria(I don't believe in germs), it's so that I call smell soapiness. Gross, right? You ain't heard nothin yet. In fact, every morning when I take a ... lol I will spare you the details and the image. Actually you're probably visualizing it right now huh? *SNIFF*
Eric's Playlist:
Michael Cera & Ellen Page - Anyone Else But You
Muse - In Your World
The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be
Rise Against - Ready to Fall
Death Cab for Cutie - Brothers on a Hotel Bed
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!